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Deadly Storm Page 11

  Mandy grinned. “I think it’s probably a good thing we agreed not to have kids,” she said, chuckling. “They would definitely get in the way of all of your … doing what you want to do when you want to do it.”

  “They would,” James agreed.

  “I guess you’ll just have to settle for cuddling up next to me tonight.”

  “It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it,” James teased, kissing her softly.

  “Oh, good grief, are you two going to do it in front of everyone or something?”

  Ann was back, and her hands were on her hips as she glared down at James and Mandy.

  “That did it,” James said, tossing the blanket off the two of them and pulling Mandy to a sitting position. “We’re finding a private room in this craphole, and we’re doing it right now. I’m not taking this for one more second.”

  “You have the patience of a saint,” Mandy deadpanned.

  “Move your cute little butt, blondie,” James said. “I’m not joking. I don’t care if we have to sleep in the stairwell. I want some privacy, and I want it now.”


  “I can’t tell you how hot that made me,” Mandy said, forcing her eyes as wide as they would go as James closed the teacher’s lounge door behind them. “I love watching you break the law.”

  James shot her a rueful smile. “I know you’re making fun of me, but picking a lock is harder than it looks.”

  “I’m not making fun of you. I’m totally turned on.”

  As she dissolved into giggles, James arched an eyebrow and fixed her with a faux scowl. “I’m going to turn you on. There’s a reason I picked a room I knew would have couches.”

  Mandy sobered instantly. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m deadly serious, baby.”

  Under the dim lounge lights, the outline of a couch was visible at the far side of the room. James flicked the lock shut for emphasis. “No one can bug us here.”

  “But … what if people are on the other side of the door listening?”

  “I don’t care.”

  “What if they know what we’re doing?”

  “I don’t care.”

  “What if … ?”

  James clapped his hand over her mouth. “I’m too keyed up to sleep. It’s too dark to read. There’s no television to watch. The storm is still raging. We have nothing to do … but each other.”

  Mandy licked his palm to get him to move his hand. Instead of grossing him out, though, his eyes darkened with lust.

  “Now you’re getting into it.”

  “James, we grabbed your clothes from the bathroom so you could get dressed,” Mandy said, jerking her head away from his hand. “I didn’t realize you wanted to get completely undressed first.”

  James pushed a strand of blonde hair away from Mandy’s face. “I love you. If you don’t want to do it, I totally understand.”

  “You’re going to pout, aren’t you?”

  “Nope. I’m just going to keep slipping my hand into your pants until you change your mind,” James said. “If that doesn’t work, I’m going to try slipping something else in there.”

  “Do you think both of us are going to fit into my pants? Really?”

  “I was talking about my tongue,” James said.

  Mandy flushed with pleasure at the suggestion. “Oh.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  Mandy glanced around the small lounge worriedly. “You don’t think there are cameras in here, do you?”

  “You’re such a prude sometimes,” James sighed. “The power is off, baby. Even if there were cameras, do you really care who sees us … expressing our love?”

  “You’re cute,” Mandy said, her hands on her hips as she regarded him seriously. “I loved how you played to your audience out there. I know your moves, though. We wouldn’t exactly be expressing our love in here. I know very well you have something far dirtier on your mind.”

  “First off, I meant every single thing I said out there,” James said. “I wasn’t playing to anything. You’re my wife and I love you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Second off, you’re right,” he said. “My mind is full of all things dirty right now. Take your pants off.”

  “But … .”

  “Baby, you’re all I have for entertainment,” James said. “I drove through a tornado to get to you. I need to feel loved.”

  His face was plaintive, but Mandy knew he was playing her. “Nice.”

  “Take your pants off.”

  Mandy sighed, resigned. “I’m doing this under duress.”

  “That won’t last long,” James said, pushing his boxer shorts down his thighs and revealing his ready erection. “I promise. You won’t be under duress for more than thirty seconds. Take your shirt off, too.”

  “What if there’s a fire? If we have to run out of this room naked, I’m never going to forgive you.”


  The second Mandy pulled her last item of clothing off James was on her, cupping her soft rear end in his hands and lifting her onto the table in the center of the room. He kissed her deeply, tilting her head back and slipping his tongue into her mouth.

  “I feel naughty,” Mandy admitted, gasping as she pulled her face back.

  “You are naughty,” James replied, maneuvering himself between her thighs and rubbing his throbbing length against her moist core. “You’re my naughty baby.”

  “I want points for this,” Mandy said, nipping his jaw.

  “Oh, yeah? Do you want a reward?”

  “I have a feeling you’re about to deliver my reward,” Mandy teased.

  “You’ve got that right.” James slammed his mouth against hers, pulling her waist forward to the edge of the table so he could slide inside of her with one stroke.

  “Oh … my.” Mandy moaned as he filled her completely, digging her fingernails into his shoulders.

  “Tell me again how you’re worried someone is listening,” James said, pulling out slowly and stilling his movements even though she was ready for him to push back inside of her.

  “Come on,” Mandy whined, urging him on by wrapping her legs around his waist and bucking against him.

  James’ grin was evil. “Tell me what you want.”

  Mandy was done playing games. She tugged on James’ hair and used her legs as spurs as she drove him back inside of her, causing them both to groan. “I want you to do what you promised,” she said. “End my duress.”

  James returned his mouth to hers, thrusting his tongue into her mouth as he began to shift his hips. “No more duress for you, baby,” he said, digging his fingers into her rear end and grinding himself in a circular motion against her pelvis.

  “I love you,” Mandy whimpered, her head lolling back as James picked up his pace.

  “I’ll love you until the end of time,” James said, licking her neck. He could feel his orgasm building, and while he was sure he would have another chance to play naughty games in the teacher’s lounge, he was determined to hold on long enough to give Mandy the release she needed.

  It didn’t take long. After a few minutes at the same rhythm, Mandy’s legs tightened around James’ waist and her body stiffened in his arms. He sped up, slamming himself into her so they could unite in shared euphoria.

  He saw stars as he exploded, running his hands up her bare back and clutching her close as he emptied himself inside of her. “Oh, my baby, I love you so much.”

  MANDY woke a few hours later, James’ body pressed against hers. Despite his admonishment that it was unnecessary, Mandy insisted they had to get dressed before falling asleep. She refused to get caught naked after breaking and entering, and the idea of sleeping on an unfamiliar couch had nightmarish ideas about bed bugs – and randy professors – going through her head.

  James was too tired to argue, so he pulled on his jeans and shirt and snuggled her in at his side before promptly falling asleep. He was a marvel in Mandy’s mind. Sex always knocked him out

  “What’s wrong?” James asked, his voice thick with sleep.

  Even though sex always wore him out, Mandy’s unease was like a silent alarm clock. He could always sense it. “I thought I heard something.”

  “It’s probably the storm, baby.”

  As if on cue, the room lit up with a flash of lightning.

  “That’s not what I heard.”

  James sighed, forcing his eyes open. It took him a second to focus in the dark, but when he saw Mandy’s face he recognized the concern right away. “What did you hear?”

  “I don’t know. I … it sounded like someone was crying.”

  “Maybe Ann is having sex with your professor,” James suggested. “There are different kinds of crying.”

  Mandy slapped his leg. “I’m not joking.”

  “I’m not either,” James said, yanking on her arm. “Lay down.”

  Everything inside Mandy told her to open the office door and look out into the hallway. James was insistent, though, and when she pressed her ear back against his chest she found exhaustion – and the familiar beat of his heart – were enough to lull her back to sleep.

  Her dreams were busy when she slipped under. Death was stalking her again, and only James’ strong presence was enough to hold her in check and keep her safe.

  “WHAT’S going on?” Mandy asked, bolting to a sitting position at the sound of heavy footsteps in the hallway.

  It was morning, sunlight filtering through the shades and birds chirping outside the window. The storm had passed, at least in the literal sense.

  “I think we’re being rescued,” James said, forcing himself to sit up with a groan. “Cripes. I think I’m too old to sleep on an uncomfortable couch.”

  “I think it’s just that we were both tense,” Mandy said. “At home we would’ve been naked, and I would’ve been on top of you.”

  “Oh, so you’re to blame.”

  “I’ll massage you later.”

  “Don’t tease me,” James said, sliding around her so he could stand up. He cracked his back and stretched. “We both know you can only stand to give me a massage for five minutes before you get bored. Why do you think I made that spa appointment?”

  Mandy brightened. “I forgot all about that.”

  “I’m still the best husband ever, right?”

  Mandy bounced to her feet, seemingly none the worse for wear. “The very best.”

  “Give me a kiss.”

  Mandy rolled to the balls of her feet and planted a wet morning greeting on his mouth. James’ stomach growled in reply.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Don’t even go there, wife,” James said. “We’re both starving. Your stomach started growling around three, and it didn’t stop.”

  “Buy me breakfast?”

  “Baby, I’m so hungry I would buy you a restaurant right now,” James said.

  “Hey, maybe I can start my own restaurant when I’m done with my cooking class,” Mandy suggested.

  “I’m too hungry and sore to have this discussion.”

  “I guess I’ll settle for a greasy breakfast and an afternoon in the hot tub,” Mandy said.

  “You never cease to amaze me.” James slipped his shoes on and then held still while Mandy balanced herself against him and did the same. He linked his fingers with hers, reaching over with his other hand to smooth down her hair before opening the lounge door.

  Instead of an empty hallway, though, five police officers and a crime scene team greeted James and Mandy.

  “What the hell?”

  One of the police officers shifted his attention from the end of the hallway to James. “Sir, is that your office?”

  “No,” James said, shaking his head. “We stayed here last night because the roads were so bad. My wife is taking a class in the building. We just slept in the teacher’s lounge.”

  “So, this isn’t your office?”

  James had many friends in the law enforcement community – and many enemies, too – but sometimes he found police officers annoying. “No.”

  “How long were you in the office?”

  James shrugged. “I’m not sure. I think we went in around nine. What time is it now?”

  “A little after seven.”

  “I guess we were in there for ten hours,” James said.

  “Did you leave at all?”


  “Can anyone verify your story?”

  “Just my wife.”

  “And that would be?”

  The cop was really starting to grate on James’ last nerve. “The woman whose hand I’m holding.” He displayed their linked fingers for emphasis.

  “I see.”

  “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” James asked, rubbing the back of his neck wearily.

  “We have a situation, sir,” the cop said.

  “Really? I would never have guessed that.”

  Mandy tugged on his hand and imperceptibly shook her head. “Officer, can you tell us what happened? Did a window break down there or something?”

  “No, ma’am. We got a call about a half hour ago. Someone found a body in the south stairwell.”

  Mandy stiffened, and James released her hand so he could slip his arm around her waist. “A body?” he asked. “Who died?”

  “We’re still ascertaining that, sir.”

  “Was it someone who was here in the building last night?”

  “We’re investigating that now.”

  “What do you know?” James asked.

  “We know we found a body.”

  James growled, the sound low as it ripped from his throat. “Are you trying to be difficult?”

  “Sir, we have a few questions for you,” the police officer said. “How many people were in this building last night?”

  James tilted his head to the side, internally counting. “Um … let’s see. There were those two girls with the phones. There was that idiot who kept hitting on my wife.”

  “Marian, Ann, and Professor Barnes, too,” Mandy added.

  “Was that everyone?” James asked.

  “There were two guys, too,” Mandy said. “They were in the lobby when you first showed up, but I don’t remember seeing them after we left the bathroom.”

  “Is that all?” the cop asked.

  “I think so,” Mandy said.

  “Is the body male or female?” James asked.


  James glanced down at Mandy, worry rolling through his stomach. Would she have been targeted if he hadn’t made it to her? “If you show me the body, I might be able to identify it for you,” he said. “I’m not guaranteeing it, but it might save you some time.”

  “That’s not standard operating procedure, sir.”

  James sighed, visions of breakfast diminishing quickly – not that he had much of an appetite now. “Call Sheriff Morgan,” he said. “He’ll vouch for me. My name is James Hardy. I own Hardy Brothers Security. I’ve seen dead bodies before.”

  The cop lifted his eyes, recognition dawning. “Are you the Hardy brother who brought down John Madison?”

  “That was my brother Grady.”

  “Are you the Hardy brother who took out the arsonist in Clinton Township?”

  “That was my brother Finn.”

  “Does that make you the Hardy brother who shot through the door of the courthouse to get to the clerk?” the cop asked.


  The cop shifted his brown eyes to Mandy. “Are you Judge MacIntosh’s clerk?”

  “I am.”

  The cop glanced down the hallway and then back to James. “Okay. Come on. If you can give us some insight into this, I don’t see how it could hurt. Just don’t touch anything.”

  “I’ll try to refrain,” James said.

  “Ma’am, you can stay here,” the cop said.

  James tightened his arm around Mandy’s waist. “Someone was killed here last night,” he said. “She’s not leaving my side.”

  The cop nodded. “I understand. It’s just … women are more delicate, Mr. Hardy.”

  “My wife is hardly delicate.”

  Mandy elbowed him in the stomach. “Hey.”

  “Fine. You’re a delicate flower,” James conceded.

  “This way.”

  Mandy and James followed the police officer to the end of the hallway, and when they pushed their way through the crowded vestibule, James pulled up short. He recognized the body on the floor. He recognized the dark hair and frozen eyes. He recognized the silent scream on the woman’s lips. “Holy crap.”

  “Who is it?” Mandy asked, peering around him. “Omigod.”

  “Do you recognize her?”

  James nodded. “Her name is Ann Nelson.”


  “Is Ann Nelson really dead?”

  Finn handed James a beer as his brother descended the stairs and walked into his living room. News of Ann’s death spread like wildfire throughout the Hardy family, and Finn and Emma gathered at James and Mandy’s house before the cops finished questioning everyone at the scene. They wanted answers.

  Mandy insisted on driving herself, and while James wanted her close, he understood her need to be alone to digest the new development. He followed her the entire way, lost in his own thoughts for the duration of the trek.

  He just didn’t know what to think.

  “She’s dead,” James said, taking the beer and downing half of it in one gulp. “I saw her with my own eyes.”

  “And this is the woman you used to date?” Emma asked, confused. “The woman who was mean to Mandy?”

  “That’s her.” James ran his hand through his damp hair. He’d showered as soon as he got home and then relinquished the bathroom to a silent Mandy. He wanted to hold and soothe her, but he knew she wasn’t ready yet. A year and a half with the same woman had taught him one thing: Never press her when she’s not ready to talk.

  “How did she end up in the same cooking class as Mandy?” Finn asked.

  “I think the universe just hates me.” James dropped into his armchair and leaned his head back so he could stare at the ceiling.

  “You know you’re not responsible for this, right?” Finn asked. “There’s no way you could’ve known what was going to happen to her.”

  “I know,” James said. “I just … I might have said some truly awful things to her last night.”