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Deadly Rivalry (Hardy Brothers Security Book 17) Page 10
Deadly Rivalry (Hardy Brothers Security Book 17) Read online
Page 10
“Your honor, you must understand the seriousness of this situation,” Thorpe argued. “Those wiretaps were illegally obtained and should be thrown out to preserve the letter of the law.”
“The sheriff’s department had a warrant signed by a circuit court judge allowing those wiretaps,” Davenport argued. “It’s all right there in the file.”
“We’re talking about a sheriff who is probably corrupt himself,” Thorpe pointed out.
“That will be enough of that,” MacIntosh warned, shuffling the papers. “Okay, I’m going to take this file home and go through it again before I make my ruling. I want to be darned sure everything is filed correctly. We’re going to start jury selection tomorrow and I’ll let you know before that happens which way I’m going to rule.”
“Yes, sir,” Davenport said.
“I would prefer a ruling today,” Thorpe countered.
He was bold. Mandy had to give him that. He was also young and handsome, although it was in a smarmy way. His suit cost more than Mandy’s car and his hair was slicked back and never moved despite the vigorous arguments he engaged in over the course of the afternoon.
“I can rule now,” MacIntosh volunteered. “You probably won’t like it, but I can rule now if you’re desperate for an answer.”
“Tomorrow is good,” Thorpe said, shooting MacIntosh a charming grin.
“That’s what I thought,” MacIntosh said. “Court is adjourned.” He banged his gavel and glanced at Mandy. “What’s James doing here? You’re not in trouble again, are you?”
“He gave Jake his Explorer earlier and he had to wait to catch a ride home with me,” Mandy lied, averting her eyes. “I hope it isn’t a problem.”
“It’s an open courtroom and he didn’t make a peep,” MacIntosh said. “I don’t know why you would think it’s a problem.”
“Oh, I guess you didn’t hear about the sex they had in her office during lunch,” Thorpe said, winking at Mandy as he gathered his files.
Mandy bit the inside of her cheek as she lowered her gaze. She wasn’t ashamed about her healthy sex life with her husband. She never wanted to bring shame on Judge MacIntosh, though. He’d been her mentor and friend for years. “I … .”
“What an exciting day,” James said, approaching Mandy’s desk. “I loved watching all of the legal wrangling.”
“I’m glad,” MacIntosh said as he reached over to pat Mandy’s hand. “It’s okay.”
“What’s wrong?” James asked, his smile slipping.
“Nothing,” Mandy said hurriedly.
“The douche defense attorney just announced to the judge that you had sex in Mandy’s office during lunch,” Heidi supplied. “Mandy is about to die of embarrassment and the judge is uncomfortable with the situation because he looks at her like a daughter. He already knew, but he didn’t want Mandy to know that he knew … if you get my drift.”
“I get it,” James said, lifting his eyebrows. “I … am so sorry.”
“There’s no reason to apologize,” MacIntosh said. “It’s not like it was the first time. Before you completely freak out, Mandy, I already knew about the other instances, too. I’m … well, fine with it. That seems odd to say, though.”
“You knew?” Mandy slapped her hand over her eyes as if to shut out reality.
“You two are famous,” Heidi said. “Every woman in this building thinks James is a sex god.”
James smiled. “Did you hear that, baby? I’m famous.”
“I’m going to kill you,” Mandy warned.
“Did I say something wrong?” Thorpe asked, faux innocence playing at the corners of his eyes.
“Oh, no,” James shot back. “I think you got exactly the reaction you were looking for. I know I shouldn’t be surprised given what you do for a living, but you disgusted even me – and I have an iron constitution.”
“Aren’t you … delightful,” Thorpe muttered.
“That remains to be seen,” James said, extending his hand. “Come on, baby. Let’s get out of here. I promise to massage all of that embarrassment away when we get home.”
“That’s impossible,” Mandy grumbled, although she shuffled toward James. “I’m never going to live this down.”
“Don’t worry about it,” James said. “You’re married to a sex god. You have absolutely nothing to complain about.”
“I THINK I should quit my job now,” Mandy announced later that night, surfacing from beneath the hot tub’s churning water and slipping between James’ legs as he reclined on the bench. “I can never show my face at the courthouse again.”
“That’s music to my ears, baby. Let’s go write your resignation letter.”
“I can’t quit,” Mandy snapped.
“I know,” James said, chuckling. “Baby, I am so sorry for what happened today.”
“You’re not sorry,” Mandy scoffed, leaning back so she could rest her head on the water and stare at the twinkling night stars. James took advantage of her position to cup her naked breasts. “You’re the resident sex god and come to find out, everyone already knew we did it in my office.”
“Several times,” James said, grinning.
“James, I don’t really care about everyone in the building knowing what we were doing,” Mandy said, involuntarily shivering when he tweaked her nipples. “I do care about the judge knowing, though. He’s like a second father to me. I am … horrified.”
“He didn’t seem to care,” James pointed out. “He thought it was funny.”
“He didn’t think it was funny,” Mandy argued. “He tried to make me feel better because he was embarrassed for me, but he certainly didn’t think it was funny.”
“What do you want me to do?” James challenged. “Should I go to work with you tomorrow and announce that we weren’t having sex and I was merely helping you find your lost panties?”
“You’re so funny.”
“Baby, it happened and now we have to deal with it,” James said. “Personally, I don’t think it’s the end of the world.”
“That’s because everyone thinks you’re a sex god.”
“If I’m a sex god, what does that make you?”
James laughed as he wrapped his arms around Mandy’s waist and tugged her toward him. “I love you more than life itself, wife. It’s going to be okay. In a few days someone will get another botched boob job … or some prosecutor and defense lawyer will get caught in the janitor’s closet … or some big trial will hit … and everything will go back to normal.”
“How am I ever going to look the judge in the face again?”
“You’ll be fine,” James said, positioning Mandy’s thighs on either side of his waist and rubbing his erection against her ready mound. “He won’t bring it up and we both know you won’t bring it up. Speaking of things that are up, though … .”
“Maybe I should bring it up so we can talk about it and move on,” Mandy suggested, groaning when James flicked his thumb over her clitoris. “You’re distracting me from a very serious situation.”
“This is a very serious situation,” James said, brushing his lips against Mandy’s throat as he grabbed her hips and pressed down on them, groaning as she slid over his erection. “Oh, my baby.”
“I can’t believe you’re in the mood again after this afternoon,” Mandy said, giggling as James grabbed her bottom and directed her to pick a steady rhythm.
“Where you’re concerned, I’m always in the mood,” James said, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and groaning when she flexed her insides and squeezed him. “I love it when you do that.”
“I know,” Mandy said. “Maybe I’m the sex god.”
“You’re definitely the sex god,” James gasped. “Oh, baby. Slow down. I won’t last if you keep this up.”
“Shh,” Mandy instructed. “I’m in charge now.”
“Then take me where you’re going to take me, baby,” James whispered. “I’m going to wow you when it’s time to go again.”
“Promises, promises.”
MADELINE watched James and Mandy make love from the shadows on the other side of the guesthouse. They hadn’t noticed her furtive figure as she approached, or heard her sighs of disgust as things turned heated.
She was still fuming after James and Mandy outsmarted her during lunch. She thought for sure a well-timed photo would put an end to their marriage. She didn’t think it was strong enough to survive emotional turmoil – especially the kind generated with a cheating scandal.
Instead of picking opposite corners, though, the couple joined forces and fought against Madeline as a united front. She didn’t like it.
Madeline’s biggest problem was that she couldn’t figure out what kind of game James was playing. He couldn’t possibly love the insipid blonde. She had nothing to offer – and Madeline was convinced she was twice as pretty as James’ chosen mate.
James and Mandy cried out as they orgasmed together, causing Madeline to narrow her eyes. That should be her and James. She felt it in her heart and soul. Now she had to figure out how to get what she truly wanted.
She wasn’t going to let James Hardy get away. Not a second time, that was for sure.
“Okay, love of my life, what are you going to do today when someone asks you about your life with a sex god?” James asked the next morning, pouring a mug of coffee and sliding it across the counter in the direction of his wife.
“I’m going to embrace my blondness and tell them I have no idea what they’re talking about,” Mandy deadpanned.
“Cute. What are you really going to do?”
“Tell them that you like to pretend to have sex in public places to inflate your ego,” Mandy replied, not missing a beat.
“I’m going to show you my ego again if you’re not careful,” James warned. “I’ll go again simply to prove I am the sex god everyone believes me to be. I can’t let people down when they have faith in me.”
“Ha, ha,” Mandy said, rolling her eyes. “We couldn’t do it again right now even if we had time. I’m sore.”
“I’m sorry,” James said, his smile dipping as he rubbed his thumb over Mandy’s soft cheek. “That third time last night was probably a bad idea.”
“It wasn’t just that,” Mandy said. “Between Saturday, Sunday, and today, we’ve had a lot of sex. Do you know how much sex we’ve had?”
“I haven’t been marking it down,” James said, although he couldn’t help but smile at Mandy’s serious expression. “Do you know how much sex we’ve had?”
“I do,” Mandy confirmed. “We’ve had sex eleven times in three days.”
“I would feel better if that was a round number,” James teased. “Do you want to go for twelve?”
“I’ll have to be hospitalized if we try.”
“I really am sorry, baby,” James said, leaning forward so he could kiss her forehead. “That last time was … rough.”
“I like it rough sometimes,” Mandy said. “My butt hurts from when you accidentally slammed me into the bench, though, and my insides honestly feel chafed.”
“I was trying to play the love nozzle game,” James explained. “I might have gotten a little carried away.”
“That’s one of the reasons I love you,” Mandy said, sipping her coffee. “What are you doing today?”
“Catching up on paperwork and planning some future jobs,” James replied. “It should be easy. What about you?”
“Well, most jury selections are finished in one session, but given what a douche the defense attorney is, I’m expecting it to take all day,” Mandy said. “That could be good news or bad news for whatever you’ve got planned for tonight.”
“Meaning if we finish early in the afternoon the judge will call it a day and send everyone home so we can start opening arguments tomorrow,” Mandy answered. “If the lawyers are still arguing in the afternoon, though, the judge is going to make everyone wait until a jury is seated. He won’t care if things go late.”
“Well, text me at lunch and tell me how you think things are going and do it again in the afternoon,” James suggested. “If you attach a dirty photo I’ll love you forever.”
“I was under the impression that you would love me forever no matter what,” Mandy prompted.
“That, too,” James said, dropping a kiss on her upturned mouth. “I’ll take care of dinner tonight. You rest your lady parts up. If you’re still sore when you get home, we can take a breather and watch a movie. We haven’t done that in a few weeks.”
“I’m sure I’ll be recovered by the time I get home,” Mandy said. “We can still watch a movie, though.”
“Whatever,” James said. “As long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy.”
“GOOD morning, Mrs. Hardy.”
Russ Thorpe approached Mandy about twenty minutes before the morning session was supposed to start, a smarmy grin on his handsome face as he handed her a few sheets of paper for his client’s file.
“Good morning, Mr. Thorpe,” Mandy replied, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. “What are these?”
“Updated jury questionnaires for the file.”
“Great,” Mandy said, shoving them inside the manila folder and lifting her eyebrows. “Is there anything else?”
“I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday,” Thorpe volunteered. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you … or the judge, for that matter.”
“I wouldn’t worry about embarrassing me,” Mandy said. “The judge is another story.”
Thorpe stilled. “Do you think he would hold what I said against my client?”
“Not even remotely,” Mandy answered. “He might dislike you a little more, but I’m sure you’re used to that.”
“You’re fiery,” Thorpe said. “I can see why your husband can’t keep his hands off you.”
Mandy frowned. “Do you mind refraining from bringing up my husband? It’s unprofessional. He has nothing to do with this case or this courtroom.”
“I’m sorry,” Thorpe said, holding up his hands and flashing an apologetic grin. “I’m honestly not trying to upset you.”
Mandy didn’t believe him for a second. “I don’t care what you say about me … or what you tell others … or how cool you think you are,” she said. “I’ve seen hundreds of lawyers just like you, and I’m sure I’ll see hundreds after you’re gone.
“Why don’t you do us both a favor and focus on your client?” she continued. “What I do in my spare time isn’t going to save him from incarceration. I know you’re playing a game, and I really don’t care to play it with you. Save us both some time and aggravation and give it a rest.”
“You seem pretty sure that he’s guilty.”
“I’m pretty sure the police have a solid case on this one, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see,” Mandy said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a few matters to tidy up before jury selection begins.”
“Late night?” Thorpe asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Mandy refused to stoop to his level and give him the answer he was looking for. “I’m pretty sure that’s none of your business.”
“YOU look happy,” Grady said, glancing up from James’ laptop as his brother ambled into the office. “Why are you in such a good mood? Wait! I don’t want to know. I’m sure you have some filthy reason.”
“Mandy and I spent hours in the hot tub last night,” James said. “We are both in good moods.”
“That was restrained for you,” Grady said. “You usually boast about your sexual prowess and then give me all the disgusting details as you hum the Jaws theme and rock your hips like you’re Elvis.”
“You’re exaggerating.”
“Barely,” Grady said. “I’m glad you’re in such a good mood, though. You and Mandy seem … happy.”
“We are,” James confirmed. “We are … blissfully happy. Mandy is relaxed. She hasn’t had a nightmare in over a week. Madeline is out of our lives
. My life could not be better.”
“I’m happy for you,” Grady said, his expression earnest. “If anyone deserves peace and happiness, it’s Mandy.”
“What about me?”
“I guess you fall into that category, too,” Grady conceded, a half smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Jake told me about your lunch yesterday. Did Madeline try to call or show up after you parted ways? That whole situation sounded annoying and hilarious at the same time, by the way.”
“I don’t think so,” James replied. “We honestly spent the entire night in the hot tub. If she came to the house, we didn’t hear her knock. We even slept in the guesthouse because we were too exhausted to walk back to the main house.”
“Nice,” Grady said. “Jake said you left the restaurant to have sex in Mandy’s office, too. It sounds like you had quite the day.”
“Jake has a big mouth.”
“He’s become gossipy since he moved in with our sister,” Grady said. “I can’t believe you actually dragged her out of the restaurant so you could have sex in her office. That is just … unbelievable.”
“Well, it gets worse,” James said. “Apparently everyone found out what we were doing in there and the defense attorney brought it up in front of the judge. Mandy is … mortified.”
“You’re a sick man,” Grady said, although he couldn’t stop himself from laughing. “What did you do?”
“Well, apparently everyone thinks I’m a sex god, so I’m good,” James said. “Mandy is going to take a few days to settle. I’m going to have to massage her until my fingers fall off.”
“How did you make it up to her?”
“I just told you we spent the entire night in the hot tub.”
“You’re just … sick,” Grady said, shaking his head. “I feel so sorry for Mandy.”
“I actually feel a little sorry for her, too,” James said. “She’s very sore this morning.”
“She deserves someone better than you,” Grady said.
“I agree,” James said, turning serious. “I can’t live without her, though, so she’s stuck with me forever.”